Pediatric Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy is a wonderful treatment for children that are nervous about taking off their clothes for a massage, worried it might hurt, or when there are deeper rooted issues such as tight hips or pelvis, difficulties learning to walk, and even when having problems calming down at night or focusing in class.

It is a subtle, dynamic, yet powerful therapy that is disguised by its gentleness. It works to create a gentle tonifying effect on the nervous system and the tissues of the body using the body’s ingrained primitive reflexes controlling tension, stress, and how the body reacts to stimuli. The therapist uses a gentle rolling movement to create a subtle vibration in the muscles, skin, and tissues of the body that then replays impulses to the brain and spinal cord allowing for a gentle full body correction to begin. This tension can sometimes come from a difficult birth, a birth trauma, an injury, or postural imbalances later in life. Bowen can help to release these intrinsic tensions and balance the body top to bottom, inside and out.

Bowen Therapy works on the muscles, bones, and alignment of the joints, as well as the parasympathetic nervous system which is known as the ‘rest and digest’ or ‘heal and repair’ system. It can help trigger an all over sense of calm and is useful for children who have a hard time relaxing before bed at night.

Other conditions Bowen Therapy is helpful for:

  • Tight jaw and difficulty latching or nursing

  • Tight hips, pelvis, flat feet, or knock kneed

  • Unable to settle after a fast or difficult birth

  • Colic, indigestion, constipation, and bed wetting

  • Torticolis/ neck pain

  • Sports Injuries

Infant Bowen Therapy

Sometimes the birth process is hard the little ones- even if nothing went wrong with the delivery itself. Common occurrences can include a cord around the neck, born ‘Sunny Side-up’, Caesarian section, vacuum or forceps assistance all add an extra layer of stress on the body that can often cause complications with feeding, tongue movement and improper swallow, torticollis, or frequently spitting up or digestion issues…. Causing restrictions in the throat, intestines, legs, hips, or neck. Having a quick check in for Bowen Therapy can often help resolve issues in as little as 3-5 sessions.

whether they are playing outside or engaging in sports, Children rarely hold still. And where there is activity there is often an injury

Bowen Therapy for adolescents and youth is a great way alternative for children who are nervous about taking off their clothes in front of a stranger or if they have a painful or persistent injury. Bowen can target muscles and fascia in the deepest layers of the body without the therapist needing reach that depth with their fingers. It is great for all types of sports injuries, jaw and throat restrictions, and for nervous children suffering from stress or anxiety.